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No matter what kind of party you are planning or how many people you are inviting, there are 15 things are you should always do if you want a great party.15 easy tips for hosting a great party

Before the party

  • Have a plan for what you are going to do before, during and after the party, but be flexible and ready for any sudden changes.
  • Define the event clearly and let your guests know what to expect. Is it a baby shower or a friends get-together where the host just happens to be pregnant?
  • Make sure you know how to give directions to the location. People will call.
  • Invite people with enough time and in the proper manner. A while ago I was invited to a wedding two weeks in advance by a text, needless to say that I was not impressed.
  • Make sure you invite the right people to the right party.
  • Everything that can be done in advance, should be done in advance: decorating, cleaning, folding napkins, shopping…


  • You don’t need a theme, but if you decide to have one, go for it. Nothing worse than a half-hearted themed party.
  • Music will make or break your party. Prepare a playlist with the right music for the mood you want to set before the party starts.
  • Decorate, even if you do it minimally, it will make a difference.

Food and drink

  • Prepare more food and drink than you think is necessary, people drink and eat a lot during parties. If you have left overs, your closest friends can take some home when they leave.
  • Have plenty of ice and straws.
  • Know what is in your food. Many people have allergies, intolerances and special diets.

During the party

  • Check the toilet every now and then, it can get dirty and untidy very quickly.
  • Divide your time among your guests and introduce them to one another.
  • Relax. A stressed out host can ruin the best of parties. Enjoy your party and everyone else will.